Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Peach on the Beach Pie

Peach on a Beach

Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring and because it has fresh peaches in it
Alice Walker

Vacation. Nothing like it. Every August we head down to Sunset Beach, NC for a week. It does take a while to get there, but most good things take time.

Those that know me know that I am not too fond of hot weather. The cooler the better. If I had a choice, I’d wear shorts year round (Cara thinks “It’s not becoming of a doctor to go to Kroger in shorts when it’s snowing outside.” I disagree, one look at my legs in the winter and you’ll be that much more appreciative of me when I wear pants in the office…) My previous experiences with the beach involve getting sand stuck in my (insert noun unbecoming of a doctor here), my eyeballs turning red from irritating contacts, and sunscreen that said it was 45, when it probably was tan intensifier – yeah picture a human sized lobster – now give it hands and blisters… that’s me. I still remember one of my crazy great aunts ripping off an aloe leaf and trying to spread aloe goo over me – the intention and motive was pure, but the end result was a large blistered, sticky, lobster-human.

That didn’t happen this time. No crazy aunts around, just crazy in-laws and crazy miniature Schnauzers! Nah… I love my in-laws, they rock. They allow their son-in-law to stay up late and sleep in (ok til noon, but I AM on vacation here…). They call me the night watchman… and I’m ok with that.

This year was one of the most relaxing times I have had. No pressure from work to get grants done, no studying for boards, nada, zilch, zero. I thought of not one Western blot, not one ELISA, not one test tube… it was great – very refreshing.

I did think of one of my patients, LW, who passed away the Monday I returned. I was privileged to spend time with her prior to my vacation. She was the only one in the hospital who noticed I wasn’t wearing my glasses (got new contacts). I thought of her every day…
Thought of Dad, too.


They have peaches in heaven, too.

Peach on the Beach Pie

6 cups sliced fresh peaches (if you use any canned, so help me…)
2/3 cup sugar (I thought about adding more, but didn’t)
3 Tbsp Minute tapioca (thickening)

Add above to bowl and let sit for 15-20 min.

Make your dough (if you used store bought, so help me… ok ok, it’s ok once and a while)
My resources were, let’s say, past their prime… nonetheless the dough came out fine.

3 cups AP flour (the flour at the beach house I think was stone ground by crabs 40 years ago, but it did the job)
1 tsp salt

Cut into the flour and salt mixture ¼ cup butter (cold) and 1 cup margarine (cold)
Add just enough liquid until dough comes together. (my liquid of choice was apple juice and water)
Roll it out and place in pie pan…

Bake at 400 degrees until crust is GBD (golden brown and delicious) about 45 min.
(Note I used my braiding skills!)

Note to family… the other blog “we” have states that “we” have been bad bloggers. “We”?? “I” think “we” ALL know who “we” is referring to…
psst... it's salsa time!


At 1:51 PM, Blogger The Hummels said...

My dearest night watchman, it is fun to read your ramblings. It was a wonderful week at the beach. Thanks for not being a grumpy bug, except for that one time when we were walking back from Bird Island. I vow to be a better blogger and more focused at home. I will not overcommit, I will not overcommit, I will not overcommit...

love ya,

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Hummel Family said...

Now this is my kind of a recipe...not too complicated. I am already getting hungry for it! (Are you sure it doesn't taste better with canned peaches? HA! Just messing with ya!)

Yeah, vacations are great. Glad to hear docs can get away from it all too!

And yes i know who "We" really refers to! ;)


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