Monday, September 25, 2006

Young's Dairy - a wise choice

"Ice-cream is exquisite - what a pity it isn't illegal." Voltaire

Yes, yes, long overdue I know...
We went to Young's Dairy near Yellow Springs Ohio.
Did we go for the ice cream? NO!
Did we go for the milk? NO!
Did we go 'cause we forgot what a cow looked like? NO!
Did we go because gas was cheap? NO! (but it was 1.96 in Tylersville!)
We went for the wool.
I'm getting itchy just typing this.

Lesson to the single men out there.

Point 1: When your wife/girlfriend asks you if you want to drive an hour to go to a wool festival, have your wisdom teeth pulled the day before. This offers the only reasonably legitamate excuse a man could have, "Sorry, Honey. I'm so jacked up on pain killers I might fall asleep next to the sheep, get mistaken for one and get a shearing. I want to go, honest!"

Point 2: If, in fact, you DO get your wisdom tooth removed and you feel ok to go - it's still perfectly legal to feign immense pain and not go (instead watching the Bengals on TV - sorry Pittsburgh fans, but are you really 1-2? Let me go get a tissue for you... I know why God created the appendix! So Pittsburgh can lose after their Super Bowl season!).

Point 3: HOWEVER! YOu will win points across the board if you feel ok to go, feign the pain, but then go instead. Your signifcant other will hail you as the bestest ever and you'll win more points (that you can cash in at later dates)...

The wool festival was....
Cara loved it and C loved it as well...
Here are some photos from the trip...

Sheep getting sheared (the guy made a point that the sheep had more teeth than he did - not sure if thats something to be proud of...)

No, not me. The dude in front of me. Couldnt resist! FTL baby!

This is wool spinner thing. Ask Cara for the real name...

It was hard to get good colors in here, the tent was red...

A felt ball! wahoo!

Making rope! She chose pink of course...

I was going to post pics of cows and goats - but most people who read this blog can look out their window and see said animals...

By the way... we saw vanilla cows getting milked.
C said the Chocolate ones were not in the barn...

The ice cream. It was very good. Not quite a Graeter's, but definitely up there. I had chocolate (the standard by which I judge ALL ice creams). It was subtle. That, at first, was slightly disappointing. Then the flavor grew and was really quite enjoyable - also, the waffle cone I had it in was ever so slightly soft - not crunchy and brittle (why I enjoy my good ice creams in a dish - the cones always disappont) - this cone was awesome - best i've had.

Anyone know if Goshen Dairy is still around? (ahhh the memories!)

We had a good time. We had good ice cream. I scored "honey" points.

Good times, good times...



At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog through the Hummel Nest site about the babies. I am Ivan and Geneva's daughter - in New Mexico- know you wouldn't recognize my name. I so enjoyed reading some of your posts. (I mean I read SOME of your posts and enjoyed them. Not that I only enjoyed some of them :))You definitely are your Dad's son! I could just see and hear him saying some of the same things. By the way, you have beautiful ladies to score points with!
Barbara Rychener

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! Come back and post some more - (we bloggers live for posts, you just made my day...)
I'd encourage you to go over to (our other page, click on my name, too). I appreciate your comments about Dad - I think of what he would say often as well...


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